
What's a good resource for improving my pronunciation from very good* to native?

In late August I'm moving to Beijing for 2/3 years. As of now, I've been learning Mandarin myself independently on/off for several years. Lately more off than on. As such, my vocab is... alright. Not great. I completed an app roughly equivalent to Duolingo Chinese (before DL Chinese existed).

Chinese native speakers say my pronunciation is very good though. (Possibly because I had a Chinese nanny from birth and she taught me Chinese at a very young age, which I then stopped and forgot). *Perhaps they're flattering me but they say it's very good among white people, esp relative to my vocab level.

Before I go, I'd like to really perfect the pronunciation. Get rid of errors I might continue to make as I learn more vocab. It's mostly good, but there are just a few things, like the Chinese r, which need work. There are probably hidden errors I'm not aware of.

I'd like a slow and detailed resource which tells me exactly how to use my mouth and tongue for pretty much every word Mandarin has. I was thinking Pimsleur. Any other suggestions? I often ask native speakers, but it's quite difficult to teach someone else exactly how to move their mouth and tongue in a way they've done all their life. I work well with really detailed instructions.

Overall goal is to be fluent and sound like a native by the end of the 2 years in Beijing.

submitted by /u/mmencius
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from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo