
My learning set up + request for suggestions


So this is my set up to learn Chinese.

  1. I have a set of physical books.
  2. I use the app Skritter (paid, but worth every penny) to learn to write characters (even if all you want to do is recognize characters, recognizing becomes easy after you learn to write them). I can add my books into Skritter, and the app brings new characters in the same order as the book. After I memorize a character set for a chapter, I go into the book to learn grammar, do exercises, etc.
  3. Skritter integrates well with Pleco. When learning a new character, I can deep dive on that character with Pleco, getting extra sentences examples, and looking into the radicals.
  4. I use TrainChinese app as my secondary dictionary app.

What I'm missing:

  • Radicals: While Pleco is good to look into radicals, it's not that great. I found that radicals is the key to improve my learning abilities, so I've been trying to find a good app to learn radicals, but no luck yet. I'd be interested in features like:
    • find character,
    • look at its radical, its meaning,
    • if I could learn the history of the character, of knowing why certain radicals/characters contain certain meaning.
    • what other words have the same radical?
  • Listening. How do I practice listening, knowing that I only have a limited amount of vocabulary (based on my character set I learned used Skritter)?

What do you guys think of this set up? Any suggestions to tackle the areas I'm missing?

Cheers, 再見

submitted by /u/andrers2b
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