
Method for Practicing Tones


Recently I was trying to come up with some methods to help me remember tones that I am consistently forgetting. What I came up with uses the “memory palace” or Method of Loci, except rather than imagining the characters in different places, I would actually print out characters of each of the four tones and separately post those on the wall in four different rooms in my house. That way, I could more easily remember that I had seen or studied a character in one particular place associated with a specific tone.

Obvious drawbacks are that you are probably limited in how many characters you could be studying at the same time in this way before they all start to run together. But I think just for the set I’m having trouble with, it would do.

Keep in mind, I typically learn tones best in words (as I’ve seen others commonly mention as well) and have relied on that technique primarily while reading (with LingQ) but I plan to use this method specifically for tones that are still having trouble sticking.

Anyone have thoughts on this idea or have any other suggestions of things you’ve tried successfully to help tones stick? 谢谢大家

submitted by /u/slalomkenny
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