
Best approach for a complete beginner

Looking for suggestions about how to learn Chinese.

I’m a native English speaker, 55 years old, very busy professional with not a ton of unclaimed time on my hands.

Starting this year, I will be working with some colleagues in Shanghai. If things go well, I would be traveling frequently to China in 2020.

I would like to start learning Chinese so that: a) I won’t feel completely lost when traveling, and b) to show respect to my future collaborators.

submitted by /u/maugustus
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from r/ChineseLanguage: a community for people who are studying, teaching, or interested in Chinese! http://bit.ly/2sax6lv
More tips about learning Chinese



Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo