8 Idioms to Say Huge Crowds in Chinese
1.人山人海 [rén shān rén hǎi] A sea of faces
2.人声鼎沸 [rén shēng dǐng fèi] A riot of sound
3.川流不息 [chuān liú bù xī] To flow past in an endless stream
4.水泄不通 [shuǐ xiè bù tōng] To be so jammed as to be impassable
5.摩肩接踵 [mó jiān jì zhǒng] Jostle each other in a crowd
6.人头攒动 [rén tóu cuán dòng] Huge crowds of people
7.人来人往 [rén lái rén wǎng] People are hurrying to and from
8.万人空巷 [wàn rén kōng xiàng] Everyone comes out and the alleys are all empty.
Huge Crowds on National Day - 人山人海的国庆节
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