

Hello my fellow enthusiasts!

About 1 year ago I started my first job as a director of education at a Chinese school here in Washington, and started reaching out to various members of the community to look for cool content ideas to help the Mandarin learning community. Shortly after that I disappeared from the internet, as the owner of our school was threatening ending my contract for "sharing and distributing school owned content", and I lost all heart to continue engaging and building community. One year later, I have finally reached the end of my contract and the end of the bullshit.

I am finally freed (or nearly freed) from the shackles of corporate ownership and will be focusing efforts on building my own school.

I have launched my own educational/Mandarin tutoring service based on curriculum research that I had started doing before taking up the director position. I will finally be free to not only teach my own curriculum, but also produce free videos and resources for the community without fear of being fired or sued by a tyrannical boss.

I will be launching a youtube "Live office hours"/"Q&A" starting early next month that will be eternally open to the public. I would love some ideas for Q&A focus-points, as well as some ideas for content videos. I still have a list of saved content video ideas from everyone's responses last time. The format for these will be very "youtube streamer/influencer" feel. I really just like that candid discussion engagement feel, so there will be a heavy focus on making videos fun, as well as a tendency towards live streams.

Below I have posted the topics everyone suggested last time. Please feel free to post your own video/ Q&A topics, or upvote the ones listed below! Cheers everyone! 加油!

submitted by /u/JenimDackets
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Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo