
Strategies for improving reading speed

I have studied Chinese for 8 years now, but I recognize a problem is that I read very slowly--at least, as compared to how I read in English. I often read the news in Chinese, and I understand it--perhaps only looking up one word in every few sentences--but it's just painfully slow. Reading more colloquial texts (e.g. texting with friends) is faster, but if it's a long message with complex topics, it still takes me a while. But differently, I am utterly incapable of "skimming." Instead, I need to read essentially every word, which takes a long time.

Do people have any suggestions for how to improve reading speed at the advanced level? I expect the answer to be simply "just keep reading," but I would appreciate people's insight as to whether that works, or if there are any strategies to accelerate the process.

My current strategy is to read almost everything out loud, so that I can practice pronunciation/tones. I could read faster if I ignored the tones, but I'm not sure if that is to my benefit. Perhaps I should just ignore the pronunciation when I am reading?

As another example strategy, do people find that being able to "write" characters is helpful to speed reading them? The set of characters I can handwrite is much smaller than those that I can recognize (since I constantly am typing Chinese but rarely handwriting it). I wonder if I were to improve my ability to write characters that would somehow put them "deeper" into my mind, making it easier to then read them.

I appreciate any thoughts.

submitted by /u/yalidoc
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