
Etymology breakdown Shāngyè

Is the following true and accurate?

"Somebody asked me about the word ‘business’ in Chinese. This Filipino asked me so I explained to them in this way. Business in Chinese has two words Shāngyè. Shang means life and to that there’s this element of business itself is dynamic. It is a living organism, it evolves. But the interesting part is with the word Yi____. Yi ___ means ‘meaningful’ and if you put them together it’s all about that [business] dynamic and How you create a relationship within that and how do you make relationship meaningful but the point I wanted to add is the word Ye itself, in Chinese - Chinese is a beautiful language, the word _Yi__ itself has two components. The top component is Ing which is sound. The bottom component is sing which is heart, so it’s listening to the heartbeat. A lot to do with feeling the pulse, understanding, listening to the heartbeat and you can go a long way by winning trust with that."

Thank you!

submitted by /u/twowars
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