
BUPT or SHU for a year of study?

I am just wondering if anyone knows about Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Shanghai University. Ill be going to China in September for a full year of study of Chinese language only. I've passed mine HSK 3 the other day. I have gotten accepted to SHU but I have also an option to go to BUPT.

My question mainly is, which University is better overall? As in the facilities and quality of university. Also, which university would be better for Chinese language? Beijing has an advantage as its pure mandarin there but maybe SHU might have better teaching than BUPT? Also, Beijing might be a bit cheaper for me but I might be able to get scholarship for SHU, but then would living cost (not rent) and transport be cheaper in Beijing?

Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/WhereIsMyFanta
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