
Learning characters without knowing how to pronounce them?

So last week I decided I'd learn Mandarin. Today I bought:

  1. Mandarin Chinese character practice pad
  2. Chineasy: Learning Chinese Through it's Culture book
  3. Mandarin/English bilingual dictionary with pictures

I started Chineasy today, and I learned how to write down numbers, but it doesn't exactly help with pronunciation. Am I missing something? Should I learn the characters first, and then learn how to say the words? I'm open to all suggestions, I just want some direction. My only experience with a language was Portuguese, but even then you learn how to say the words as you read and write them.

submitted by /u/port3learn
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Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo