
Went back for round 2 of 中文 conversation

After this encounter, I decided to gather up my courage and do it right.

This time, instead of ordering ahead, I decided not to place my to-go order until I got there. Therefore, I would have to stand around for at least fifteen minutes or so, and I decided to go to the bar. (some 啤酒 would surely help my confidence!)

Still quite nervous, I decided to strike up a conversation with the bartender. I started with a 请问, which caught her off guard, of course, and I proceeded to explain that I just wanted to practice my 中文. It got a little awkward when she asked me why I wanted to learn the language, and I told her I was planning on visiting 中国 in 五月. I have no real plans to visit China, but it just seemed weird to say "I don't know, I just like learning languages, and I'm only here to get practice!" She proceeded to tell me that there were neighborhoods in Beijing where I wouldn't have to worry about that because enough people speak English. Obviously this was the OPPOSITE of the reason I was there, but the conversation had moved so far beyond that. I ended up circling back and asking her how my accent sounded, with "你好,“ "谢谢,” “没关系,” and all the basics, and she was helpful enough.

Anyway, it was a little discouraging with the way the conversation itself went, but she did seem impressed with my 中文 as it was, and I am still proud of myself for sucking it up and going back in for the sake of practice with native speakers!

submitted by /u/Hopeless_Polyglot
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