
Learning Chinese for my Students

Hello! I am a music teacher, and I've just started a job at a school where many of my students don't speak English at home. I know that transitioning to an English only school in a somewhat rural area where there aren't many translators is really scary and hard, a lot of them have taken to pretending they don't know any English and only speaking to their friends that also speak their language. I want to do something to make them feel more welcomed, accepted, and understood. I know I cant become fluent overnight, but I've begun looking at some online learning sources and I'm trying. However, so far all I'm really learning is numbers, greetings, and such. I was hoping this community might be able to help me with some words or phrases a music teacher might need! It would also be cool if you all had song suggestions I could teach my classes! I really appreciate any and all help!

submitted by /u/auroraknights
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from r/ChineseLanguage: a community for people who are studying, teaching, or interested in Chinese! http://bit.ly/2RoucUf
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Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo