
How should I learn Chinese over the summer?

Hi guys,

I'm currently taking Chinese in University (I am required to take three years of it), and I want to continue to learn over this summer because firstly, I don't want to forget anything, as I did over winter break. Also, my Chinese is currently not as good as my classmates and I want to perfect my skills so when I go back in the fall I am caught up/better than the average person (lol). What's the best way to learn Chinese? I will be in Boston for the summer, so if you know of any good resources it will be a lot of help.

I don't know if it is worthwhile self-studying since my main issue is conversation, so any tips will be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/AnthoZero
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from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo