
Language school in China for recent high school graduate?

Hi r/ChineseLanguage!

I'm a recent high school graduate looking at taking a gap year before uni to learn Chinese in China.

I'm Chinese but I was raised overseas so I'm able to hold basic conversation and understand every day topics, but can barely read and write. I mainly want to improve my Chinese so I can properly communicate with my family without that awkward language barrier.

I was wondering if anyone here had any reccomendations for programs that: • are long term (around 9 to 10 months) • preferably in Shanghai • can cater to my ABC language ability • offers accommodation • have younger students (one of my biggest concerns is having no friends, since I hear that a lot of students at these schools are considerably older) • programs that have chances to do volunteer work would be great as well!

I'm currently looking closely at Hutong School in Shanghai as well, does anyone here have much experience with them?

Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated! :)

submitted by /u/spongepie
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