
Am Chinese and uses the language since birth but still gets a C, help

This is a repost as I posted in r/Chinese but two subs seem to share the same purpose so why not post in two of them?

I want to clarify I only use Cantonese to speak with my family so I am not generally good at Chinese when it comes to vocabulary.

Firstly, Is there a good thesaurus for Chinese? I want to increase my vocabulary with more advanced phrases and words, no matter how pretentious it sounds, I want a reliable dictionary and thesaurus but I can't find one.

Secondly, Is there a platform for me to learn old poetic Chinese? The equivalent of Shakespearean English in Chinese, for instance 汝=you instead of 你.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Aineas
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Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo