
Learning apps/resources with a male voice?

As a male, I'm trying to avoid the trap of getting used to speaking with female mannerisms, so I'm looking for decent beginner-to-intermediate apps/resources that have an audio component where a male voice is used.

I know Duolingo uses a male voice but the quality of the TTS is very average and the course itself isn't so great, so I was hoping to be able to find something better. The other three big mobile apps (LingoDeer, ChineseSkill and HelloChinese) all use a female voice, and additionally two of them sound like a child.

Any recommendations?

Mixed male/female is ok too (especially for listening practice), but I'd prefer to be mimicking a male voice as much as possible. I have already done all 5 levels of Pimsleur, which was mixed.

submitted by /u/NoInkling
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