
How often do you rewind audio to make sure you understand what was said?

I am doing listening practice by watching the Chinese dubbed version of Avatar the Last Airbender, and on first watch I can understand maybe 50% of the speech. Would you say it is better to rewind and rewatch the sections I don't understand and try to pick out all the words until I understand the dialogue, or just keep watching and gradually learn as common words get repeated (from the first episode I was able to pick out the words for the avatar, and bending just through the natural repetition in the show). This is the method I use for practicing reading - recognizing the words that get repeated a lot and making sure I know those words. This is fine as long as you can understand the basic idea of what is happening in the story. Does this work for listening practice as well, or should I be rewinding and making sure I understand 100% of the speech in the show? I imagine that since I can't actually see the characters it would take my brain longer to notice something being repeated than while reading. Also this show doesn't have subtitles (at least that I can find) so that makes it harder to learn the parts I don't understand. I imagine a mixture of both rewinding and not worrying about parts I don't understand (only rewind the parts that I guess are important) is probably optimal, but I would love to hear about other people's strategies for watching tv shows or general listening practice.

submitted by /u/EpicPigz
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