
Did anyone else here grow up with a semi Chinese environment but isn't very fluent? How did you get better at Mandarin?

Sorry if the title is poorly worded, I just found this sub now after lurking Reddit for some time. I've been wondering about this a lot because I've been wanting to get better at Mandarin but no idea where to start, because online resources I find are either too basic or too intermediate.

I'm Taiwanese who grew up in SE Asia, and go to Taiwan for a summer or winter almost every year. I also studied in a Taiwanese school in SE Asia, so almost all of my classmates were 華僑。Our Chinese education system was very similar to that of Taiwan, with 華語,綜合,and 數學。But that's the problem, they taught us those as if we were the same as the students in Taiwan, who speak Mandarin everyday and are exposed to it outside school. So we mostly just memorized things. At home we speak Hokkien and few Mandarin. So I can speak Mandarin and sound like a local as long as it's basic stuff but I can't really hold a conversation well, though I can usually understand fine. Usually.

My sentence construction is still terrible though. I'm getting to practice using things like 而已 and 反正 (not sure what they're called??) but I'm not very good at using them except on occasions when I'm exposed to enough Mandarin they come naturally. On instances where it's sudden it's like a language shock and my mind blanks out so I look like an idiot. I've been looking around on sentence constructions but I don't find much, especially in Traditional Chinese (I can't read simplified well and since I'm Taiwanese, and plan to live in Taiwan for a while in the future I really want to speak and read well)

If anyone has experience/advice for this kind of situation I'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance :)

submitted by /u/fairydusts
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from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo