
How to get back into learning Chinese?

Hold tight this is going to be a long one.I started learning Chinese seriously in about May of this year.I was very motivated and I had a good time until summer break hit me.I was lazy,unmotivated and kept lying to everyone and myself that I was learning Chinese when I really was on my phone all day and not doing anything.Then August came and I started to learn Chinese again until school began where like always I became lazy and didnt learn anything.I have a best friend who is currently learning Japanese and is the complete opposite of me,he studies hard and progressed faster than me(not that I actually learned anything).I have had a lot of things to deal with like my brother ending up in the hospital and want able to do anything for weeks.Now as I look at my 4 textbooks that I haven't touched I want to get back into learning Chinese and this time I dont want to burn out.How can I discipline myself to study every day and what mindset should I have?

Tldr:Started learning chinese in May,became lazy and unmotivated and stopped during summer break.Friend has progressed more than me in Japanese even though he started later.I had a lot of things to deal with lately but I want to start learning Chinese seriously and be able to discipline myself.

submitted by /u/TheChineseMan1
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