Can anyone help me understand what's going on in the syntax of 吃货吃什么都香 that I found at 2:11 in ? The english captions translate it as "what a foodie!".
I recognize the term 吃货 ("foodie") since duolingo just conveniently taught me it like last week. I don't understand what set of things 都 is talking about all of, if any. Not sure what 香 means here at all. I don't have a strong sense of how you translate the sort of rhetorical question that "what an X!" is, although the fact that a question word/complementizer like 什么 appears doesn't seem too surprising for that. Not sure why 吃 is duplicated? Is it kind of like duplicating 说 in 他说话说得很快-like sentences? (Do I even have that correct?)
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