
Definitive meaning of 调情

A recent r/funny post spurred a heated debate of the meaning of "调情". The sign clearly believes that the dictionary definition is correct, flirting.

But! Is there a different connotation between the English and Chinese? Is there something lost in translation? Is the concept of 调情 fundamentally different from flirting?

Let's really get down to it and dig deep. Once we agree on an answer (and we will need at least a 1.3 billion consensus) let's petition the dictionaries and varies governing bodies to reference this debate. This is a historical moment! Thank you for being a part of it!!!

submitted by /u/juiced_up_mister_x
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from r/ChineseLanguage: a community for people who are studying, teaching, or interested in Chinese! https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/9rp28g/definitive_meaning_of_调情/
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