
8 Years of Videos

After 8 years of sharing videos on Chinese language and culture, this will be my final video post on the Transparent Chinese channel. As such, I’ve put together a nice recap on 8 years of videos to share with you.

8 Years of Videos

Some of the many highlights.

It’s been a wild ride that included living in both Beijing and Kunming, working as an English teacher and blogger while studying Chinese here and there.

We traveled all over China to several different cities and historical sights, including the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, Jiuzhaigou National Park in Sichuan, and the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang.

Of course, we enjoyed tons of delicious Chinese food along the way – dumplings, hot pot, Beijing roast duck, and so much more. We even tried some odd things along the way.

Our time in China was also tons of fun, thanks to all the traditional Chinese holidays, as well as several music and beer festivals.

Check out some of the many highlights of my time in China in this compilation video. Thanks for watching over the years! If you want to see more of my video work, find my page at Grateful Gypsies.

from Chinese Language Blog https://ift.tt/2y1EulJ
More tips about learning Chinese



Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo