
Seeking advice on practicing tones

tl/dr: title

Hi there fellow Redittors!

I recently started a language exchange with a Chinese friend; what she pointed out, and what I also noticed, is my pronunciation is behind other Chinese skills. My mouth is not yet accustomed with tones, and I'd like to change that of course. I decided that strictly oral practice of tones/speaking would become part of my everyday routine, along character-learning. Let me just assure you at this point, that I learn new words with their tones, and it's actually speaking part that is the problem.

I seek any practical advice on what to do, and what materials to use to practice tones by myself - YouTube videos, anki decks, your own methods and insights. Listening as well as speaking.

Additionally, If someone would be able to address somewhat more specific issue, which is having problems with 'hearing' the third tone in my mind, I would be extremely grateful. When I had this issue with rising tone, mapping it to saying "whaaat?!?" helped me a lot. Any english/slavic occurrence of a third tone would help. Other tones I can hear and reproduce better, 3rd and 4th are giving me the most trouble, both in terms of knowing what to pronounce before I do it, and actually speaking - especially in a sentence.

submitted by /u/ghoot
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