
Sentence mining using sources other than myself? Clozemaster, pre-made Anki decks?

I’m totally new to sentence mining, so far have only read some articles online and not actually done it but I understand it is a great way to learn. I’ve found 2 sources so far that I’m wondering if this will work for sentence mining or do I have the idea wrong...

Clozemaster, which I understand has that extra missing word feature, but does this count as sentence mining work?

Then there’s the "Spoonfed" Chinese anki deck. (10,000 sentences with Audio included) https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/867291675

Is doing these what is considered sentence mining work? Or do i have to mine them myself for it to be as useful. If premade is okay, any other options for pre-made sentence mining work?

(I am a high beginner/elementary if that makes a difference. And I don’t have anki. I use another flashcard app called TofuLearn but can download ankidecks into it).

submitted by /u/Shera939
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