
Why don't my Chinese housemates' friends ever greet me?

I'm a caucasian uni student, who's very fluent in Chinese, and lives in a house with three other people from Beijing. We're pretty good friends. Sometimes, they have friends come over, who are also Chinese, and they never greet me, or even acknowledge my existence. They don't even look in my direction.

For example, in separate occasions, the girlfriend of a friend of one of my housemates, and her mother, entered through the garage to go upstairs and pick something up; once we had a hotpot hangout, and my housemates invited a couple of friends over, one of whom I did not know; my housemate once let a friend stay over for a few nights, and since he brought his visiting family with him, he and his four other family members lived in the same extra room for a couple days; just a couple days ago, one of my housemate's friend was sleeping over for a couple days because he had no place to stay; today, one of the guys who's living here next year and his girlfriend entered the kitchen from the garage while I was cooking.

In NONE of those examples did any of the people involved take the initiative to acknowledge my existence or greet me, except for one guy at the hotpot hangout, whom I had met before. All the other people, I have never met before. I always have to be the first one to initiate, and even then they seem unreceptive of me. My conclusion is that Chinese people, in general, are cold towards strangers. But are they really this cold? Maybe there's something wrong with me, or maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm not Chinese. I don't know exactly what's going on, and just wanted some experienced people to kindly provide me with some guidance. Thanks~

submitted by /u/FancyEye
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