
需要帮忙录音一些东西Need help for a little speech

Hello , I got a asked by my former teacher to say a few words in her wedding. I learned Mandarin in the south of china so I tend to have a bit of a Cantonese accent, I also mix the tones a lot when reading , and I was hoping a Chinese Mandarin native or someone with a really biaozhun Mandarin could help me out. What I need is for someone to help me do a recording of what I wrote , slowly and clear , so that I can practice it and surprise my teacher and her guests . I will leave the text down below, all help welcome. I would prefer to use wechat for this as well.

 各位前来参加Blanca的婚礼来宾晚上好,很高兴与你们在荧幕中见面.我的中文名字叫罗密欧,很可惜我还不知道我的“朱丽叶”在哪.可值得开心的是Blanca已经准备好跟她的“罗密欧”共度余生! 我来自哥伦比亚,出于小时候对中国历史文化的好奇,2014年我来到了中国.在广东外语外贸大学学中文期间,我遇到了Blanca老师。在第一节课的时候,我就被她生动有趣的授课所吸引。相遇相知后, 她不仅教我中文,还会在我生活遇到困难时,给我开导和建议,解决了我生活中的困难,让我成为更好的人.“良师益友”当我学会这个词时,我就想到了Blanca. 今天是你最幸福的一天, 我衷心地祝福你们:“新婚快乐,家庭幸福、白头偕老” 
submitted by /u/RomeoofBogota
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