
Looking for a good WORDS frequency list


Recently, my main problem when studying Chinese is that I often have no idea if a word that I stumble upon is often used or not. I don't want to learn a really obscure word that nobody will understand. I got HSK6 a year ago so I have a decent vocabulary base but I still see new words every day.

It's easy to find character frequency lists, but a good words frequency list is harder to find.

I thought I had a good one with the "SUBTLEX-CH-WF" list that was built exclusively with movie subtitles, but I get some strange results and I'm starting to lose confidence in it. For instance: one of new anki sentence from the spoonfed anki deck today is "他甘愿做义工。“ When I look up 义工 in the table it's ranked 33000 (really rare), 0.2% movie presence. I thought I should scrap it, but my Chinese friend insists that it's not rare at all and that I definitely should learn it. So.. How do you deal with that problem?

submitted by /u/Braceo
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