
I don't think having a "Chinese name" is necessary

I guess my opinion is quite unpopular and may get downvoted, but I do find it a bit weird that there are so many people struggling with finding a good "Chinese name." I just want to explain my personal opinion and perhaps provide a viewpoint from "the other side."

Like say you are Portuguese and your name is Pedro Mat. When you learn English, nobody tells you to Anglicize your name as Peter, or even if they do, it's definitely not an urgent task. You can be Pedro in any English-speaking country and everybody is completely fine with that; you don't think "I cannot experience the [insert country name here] culture very much if I don't change my name to Peter." Then when you learn Chinese, suddenly everybody says you cannot be Pedro anymore; you have to be 马培德, whose pronunciation is quite different from your real name. Furthermore, you need to become 马培德 asap. Why is that? Why can't you be 佩德罗·马特, and your Chinese friends simply call you 佩德罗?

Of course, there is a difference between English and Chinese in that Chinese doesn't use Latin alphabet. However, we do have a system to translate foreign names, and in most cases it works pretty well (like Pedro is 佩德罗; stuff like this is pretty standard).

That said, I am not saying that having a Chinese name is wrong; rather, I think it's unnecessary, and since it's super difficult to find a really good Chinese name, it may cost you a lot of effort which could have been put in actual learning. (Also, I think having a bad Chinese name is far worse than simply using the Chinese translation of your real name.) So if you easily come up with a Chinese name which is cool, then use it, but otherwise I really don't see why you should struggle with this thing (which seems to be the case for many people on this subreddit).

submitted by /u/xujy
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