

I know this is nerdy but stick with me. For anyone getting complacent, too busy, or just slacking off, I'd like to challenge you to consume only Chinese media for the next 48 hours.

Only open Chinese videos on Youtube. Look at pleco, duchinese or anki (or whatever app you use to learn) instead of opening up facebook. Get on duonao and watch a Chinese movie instead of logging onto netflix.

I frequently challenge myself like this in various ways and it always helps me accumulate tons of vocab. It also keeps me closer to the language, which is important in a world of distractions.

Happy learning!

submitted by /u/awfulnamegenerator
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More tips about learning Chinese



Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo