
Previously fluent, now cultural failure, how to start again?

I grew up in Singapore and have learnt Mandarin throughout kindy/ primary school/ high school. I was never amazing at it but got through the exams. At 15, I left the country for Australia and danced with delight at the thought of never again having to memorise a vocabulary book.

I'm 30 now and can barely speak the language outside of simple conversation and feel a bit of a culutral failure. Adulthood has made me realise that being bilingual is a useful skill!

I'd like to be fluent again, am not super fussed about reading (all the vocabulary has fallen out of my head at 15). I'm at a loss as to how to start. Lots of the podcasts are aimed at beginners and I wonder if there's any resources that would be useful to me?

submitted by /u/teapotbandit
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from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo