
Attitudes in China?

Hi guys! I’m an adopted Chinese and I am looking into learning/minoring in Mandarin in college (I regret being a stubborn child who dropped out of those classes) but nevertheless I am wondering what are the attitudes in China of those who look Chinese but cannot speak it? My sibling (who is white) recently majored in Mandarin and said that people in Chinese can be in-groupy (if that makes sense), towards Chinese people.

I’m not really worried about being in US and not being able to speak it but rather in China (for immersion/study abroad)?

If anyone has any experience or insight with this issue, please feel free to share!

submitted by /u/PSBH
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Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo