
any native chinese speakers? homework help!

Please help edit my writing! Just fix up grammar and if you do make any edits please keep it simple. Thanks!

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I need to write an ad for a cat-sitter to take care of my cat while I'm away for vacation. Here is what I need to write:

  • Why are you not home
  • When will you be away from home
  • What do people need to do
  • How much will you pay

TITLE: “Cat-sitter needed!” - PLEASE TRANSLATE THIS!!!!


如果你感兴趣,请发电子邮件给我。我的电子邮件是 [xyz@gmail.com](mailto:xyz@gmail.com)。



What do I want to be in the future

Write a paragraph to answer the three questions: 1. 你将来想做什么职业? 2. 你为什么想做这个职业?3. 这个职业需要什么资历?Write a coherent paragraph.


submitted by /u/nadyasp
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Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo