
A different way to improve your listening skills

In order to understand spoken Chinese you don't need only to learn the characters, you need to associate their pronunciation with their meaning. When you learn a character, you're above all associating its appearance with its meaning and not much is being done in terms of pronunciation. The same goes for words instead of single characters.

What you can do is open a HSK list like here and click "pinyin" at the top so that the page shows you not the characters, but their pinyin form. Recognizing characters is easier because it's ONE character, you don't have repeated characters (similar characters don't count). However, pinyin forms are always repeating and can mean multiple things.

For example, if you know what the word 爱好 means, that's cool. But if you're unable to make out what the word àihào means when you see it in its pinyin form, there's a very high chance you won't be able to recognize it either when you hear it being spoken by someone.

So going through the HSK lists with their their pinyin form toggled should help you associate pinyin with meaning instead of character with meaning, thus improving your spoken Chinese understanding. You don't hear characters, you hear pinyin. There's a very high chance you have associated less pinyin to their meaning than you have associated characters with their meaning. The consequence of this is you can read a text and understand its meaning, but if you listen to someone read that text out loud, you won't understand as much, even though it's the same text. This is because you have associated characters to their meaning more than you have associated pinyin to their meaning.

Hope it helps someone.

submitted by /u/baubaubuo
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