
Want to start studying Chinese in college after a two year language hiatus.

So I started off going to a community college and am going to finish my Associate's at the end of this semester.

I took Chinese for five years starting in eighth grade all throughout high school, and ended up in AP Chinese my senior year, took the AP test (unfortunately didn't pass it) and even got to go on an exchange trip to 广州 and 北京.

Once I transfer to my four year University I plan to take Chinese my last two years, as I want to minor in it.

I want to try and take this language proficiency test that they offer where if you pass it, you can potentially opt out of the beginning level class and be placed in one that is more geared towards your language level so that you're not starting from scratch.

However, I am worried that I'm not going to pass it since I have essentially taken a two year hiatus from the language and I don't know how much vocabulary or written script I've maintained during that break in learning.

Can anyone suggest a way for me to sort of test my own knowledge, or any online resources or apps that will help get me back into the groove of learning Chinese? I've never self studied before, but I loved learning 汉子 and the vocabulary and seeing myself be able to translate sentences in my head from English into Chinese.

Also as an aside, I really wish I had found this sub in high school because I've always been so enamored by the language and this would have been such a helpful and intriguing resource for me!

submitted by /u/regina-george-
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from r/ChineseLanguage: a community for people who are studying, teaching, or interested in Chinese! http://bit.ly/2ELzyGu
More tips about learning Chinese



Time-lapse: Beautiful cacti bloom before your eyes

from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo