
Any help with phrases for writing essays?


I've been studying Chinese for several years now at college, but find it nearly impossible to locate any resources for writing essays. I asked my tutor, but he did not provide much help.

I'm looking for phrases that Chinese people would use in their essay writing, examples are:

  • 'This essay is about the topic of...'
  • 'In this essay, I will discuss...'
  • To conclude...'
  • 'Overall...'
  • 'As well as X... I'd also like to consider Y'
  • 'I will argue that...'

These are just examples, as I'm not looking for direct translations, any other phrases/expressions that could be used in essays would equally be appreciated!

I have tried to look them up in a dictionary myself, but tend to get conflicting phrases, I'd appreciate if I got a bit of help from reddit to point me in the right direction.


submitted by /u/instacamel
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