
Wants to find a partner to practice language


I’m native Chinese speaker. I really want to improve my English speaking. As title,I would like to find a routine partner who also wants to improve Chinese,we can help each other. Although I’m not a Chinese teacher,I can’t teach basic Chinese skill.If you know how to speak Chinese but not fluent.I can help you. :) I think it’s suitable for people who are not beginner of learning Chinese . And you don’t need to worry that you teach me basic English,my English level is ok. I also have tried to use hellotalk to find a partner,and it’s really difficult to find a partner.I think the reason is I’m a male.LOL :( We can try voice call first,and if you think I’m your good partner then we can keep practicing. By the way,I’m 22 years old and I like to chat with people.When we practice together,you can prepare your Chinese resources or just free talk. Maybe there are some wrong grammar sentences in article,welcome to correct. Hope to see your message,many thanks.

If I break the roles of this group,I will delete this.

submitted by /u/bravot16556
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