
Struggling to remember adverbs/time words etc

Slightly vague title but I wasn't sure how to word it.

Basically (in all aspects of my Chinese), I find it really difficult to remember the words that make up sentences. I can usually work out what it is that people talking about but I can never remember the words that related to it - eg. adverbs, direction words, time phrases - that actually make up the content; for example, if someone said they frequently ate pork buns on their way to work then I would be able to pick up that they ate pork buns and that they did it at a time related to work, but I wouldn't be able to catch the full sentence.

I know this is a bit of an odd issue but I'm currently in China and it's become more of a pressing issue so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone had any tips for getting words like this down because it's hugely hindering my Chinese level.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/feijis
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