
Random thoughts and observations while learning Chinese

  • The literal translation of 时间 is space-time which is consistent with Einstein's theory of general relativity.
  • The "why is six afraid of seven" joke sort of works in Chinese: 六为什么怕七?因为七把九吃了。
  • 石屎 (concrete) means stone shit.
  • The character 掰 (bāi - break sth. off with hands) represents the action it describes: Two hands (手) on either side of a part (分).
  • 瑞士 (Switzerland) and 瑞典 (Sweden) both have 瑞 in their name. I wonder if Chinese people confuse these countries as much as Americans.
  • 董事长 (chairman) sounds like 懂事长 (director of understanding things).
  • 粉丝 are a sort of thin noodles, but it's also a transliteration for "fans". I was very confused when I read about someone who has reached over 4 million noodles on Facebook.
submitted by /u/KindaOffKey
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from New China TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWntHYtd5Vo